What is FCGN?
The Flower City Garden Network is an all-volunteer organization made up of gardening educators and enthusiasts in and around Rochester, New York (aka the Flower City*). We offer get-togethers in special gardens, nature walks, garden-related events, and talks.
Most FCGN events require membership, which allows free entry. As always, members may bring a guest to events, but due to the popularity of most listings, we have to limit the number to one guest per member unless the location is quite large. If attendance is strictly limited, then those events may be “members only”.
Our casual get-togethers, offered about once per month in garden season, are generally in private local gardens. Members may wander around gardens at their own pace, chat with owners and other FCGN members, and enjoy refreshments.
We occasionally offer wildflower and tree walks in local parks and arboretums. We also host a winter houseplant and seed swap with lectures, which is free and open to the public.
If interested in becoming a member of FCGN, see Membership.
*Flower City is one of Rochester’s nicknames.